
You can inject widgets which can be shown on the dashboard by simply implementing the Widgets provider and adding a method provideWidgets to your plugin like this:


namespace Me\MyPlugin;

use Voyager\Admin\Classes\Widget;
use Voyager\Admin\Contracts\Plugins\GenericPlugin;
use Voyager\Admin\Contracts\Plugins\Features\Provider\Widgets;

class MyPlugin implements GenericPlugin, Widgets
    public function provideWidgets(): Collection {
        return collect([
            (new Widget('component-name', 'title'))->icon('academic-cap')

Available methods

__constructCreates a new Widgetnew Widget('component-name', 'My title');string component: the name of the component, string title: The title
widthSets the width of the widget->width(6)int width: The width between 3 and 12
iconAn icon show next to the title->icon('academic-cap')string icon: The name of the icon
parametersParameters passed to the component->parameters(['key' => 'value'])array parameters: The parameters
permissionDisplay/Hide the widget based on a permission->permission('name_of_permission')string permission: The key of a permission, array args: Additional arguments