
We use a variety of mixins for all kind of colors (border, text, background ...)
Those mixins easily generate a CSS variable which can be overriden by theme plugins.

Background color

@import "@sassmixins/bg-color";

.myclass {
    @include bg-color(my-class-background, 'colors.gray.500');

Text color

@import "@sassmixins/text-color";

.myclass {
    @include text-color(my-class-text-color, 'colors.gray.500');

Border color

@import "@sassmixins/border-color";

.myclass {
    @include border-color(my-class-border, 'colors.gray.500');


As a rule of thumb: you should never directly include a color, for example color: red;.
Instead use the appropriate mixin, give it a reasonable name and provide a default value.
For example:

@import "sassmixins/bg-color";
@import "sassmixins/text-color";

.body {
    @include bg-color(bg-color, 'colors.gray.500');
    @include text-color(text-color, 'colors.red.500');

This will allow theme-developers to override your colors.