Menu Items

You can inject menu items to the menu by simply implementing the MenuItems provider and adding a method provideMenuItems to your plugin like this:


namespace Me\MyPlugin;

use Voyager\Admin\Classes\MenuItem;
use Voyager\Admin\Contracts\Plugins\GenericPlugin;
use Voyager\Admin\Contracts\Plugins\Features\Provider\MenuItems;
use Voyager\Admin\Manager\Menu as MenuManager;

class MyPlugin implements GenericPlugin, MenuItems
    public function provideMenuItems(Menu $menuManager): void {
            (new MenuItem('My Title', 'icon'))->route('my-route')

You can also add a divider before or after your item like this:

    (new MenuItem())->divider(),
    (new MenuItem('My Title', 'icon'))->route('my-route')

Available methods

__constructCreates a new Menu itemnew MenuItem('My title');string title: The title string icon: The name of an icon
routeA route to be used->route('')string route: The route key array params: The parameters passed to the route
urlA URL to be used->url('')string url: The URL
permissionDisplay/Hide the item based on a permission->permission('name_of_permission')string permission: The key of a permission, array args: Additional arguments
dividerActs as a divider between items->divider()-
exactApply the active class only when the current URL matches exactly->exact()-
badgeDisplay a badge next to the title->badge('green', '10k+') or ->badge('red')string color: Tailwind color of the badge (red, green, blue, ...), string value: The value or null
addChildrenAdd children to the item->addChildren(new MenuItem('Child 1'), new MenuItem('Child 2'))MenuItem item: One or many children

User dropdown

When you want to display menu items in the user dropdown simply use Voyager\Admin\Classes\UserMenuItem instead of Voyager\Admin\Classes\MenuItem.